High School – the transition begins

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Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Short and sweet today!

I have just seen Geordie off for his first full day orientation visit to the High School we have enrolled him in for next year.

It’s a small school — smaller than his primary school actually—and they have lots of supportive programs in place. The electives look interesting and he has plenty to choose from. Best of all — they have a no homework policy!

My boy is growing up.

Change is difficult for him. Being around new people is tricky. Not knowing the expectations or the routine is hard.

Our conversation yesterday went like this:

Me:   How are you feeling about tomorrow?

G:     Dunno.

Me:  (feeling stupid for asking an open-ended question) Are you excited or nervous?

G:     Excited.

End of conversation — I had interrupted his game on the iPad long enough.

Okay — I need to accept that and trust that he is excited. Or, at the very least, he isn’t nervous. There has been no jumping or nail-picking of late, so I am pretty sure he is calm about this.

Me, on the other hand — nervous.

I know my heart will stop every time my mobile rings today. But — I am trusting the school, and the very patient Year 7 2018 coordinator with whom I have exchanged a couple of emails, that they will support him and ensure he comes away still feeling positive about going to high school next year.

This year has been amazing for Geordie. He has done so many things I never would have dreamed of when he was younger. It’s positive and just an amazing feeling knowing that the hard work we’ve all put in is finally paying off.

I am under no illusions that there will be issues and hiccups next year — but, this morning was a good start.